Kidichi Village, Urban/West region of the Zanzibar Island
3 Hours Guided Tour
Spice Tour

This short guided walking Tour will provide you with a rare experience proving the reason why Zanzibar is referred to as Spice Island for centuries. The tour takes you to the small spice gardens and farms in Zanzibar rural areas where local communities grow variety of Spices including nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, cardamom, ginger, turmeric and many others medicinal and ornamental with variety of tropical fruits grown in Zanzibar.

It's a golden opportunity to get to learn how to use different plants for herbal medicine, traditional ceremonies and local Zanzibar cuisines, which are potential part of Zanzibar day to day life. The tour will also give you the chance to taste different fruits grown into the Island as well as experiencing adventurous coconut palm climbing practiced by local coconut climbers working in those spice farms.